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Dictionar englez-englez : indecent


indecent RO

Vedeti si:

(adjectiv) indecorous
(adjectiv) unbecoming
(adjectiv) uncomely
(adjectiv) unseemly
(adjectiv) untoward
offensive to good taste especially in sexual matters
"an earthy but not indecent story"
"an indecent gesture"

offending against sexual mores in conduct or appearance
"a bathing suit considered indecent by local standards"

not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
"was buried with indecent haste"
"indecorous behavior"
"language unbecoming to a lady"
"unseemly to use profanity"
"moved to curb their untoward ribaldry"

Cuvintele vecine:

< indecency     indecently >

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